Friday, March 30, 2007

Darn You, Katerina

Seventeen Weeks Pregnant

Here is a pregnant belly shot for your amusement. This is not me. I resent this woman. I am a shallow, bitter individual who is shallowly, bitterly eating Reese's cups and resenting this woman who most likely consumes very little sugar!

Love, Desperate


Swistle said...

DEFINITELY, you have called it: this is one of those "I consume very little sugar" types. I'll bet she "doesn't understand why anyone would eat that crap."

Anonymous said...

The look in her eyes tells me that she would kill someone for an Oreo.

d e v a n said...

Where's the reese's? I'll bet I could eat her body weight in chocolate.

mamashine said...

Oh please. And I love the way they wrote "second pregnancy" on there so you can hate her even more. :) She needs to eat some reese's for sure.

Anonymous said...

I bet she just works out, which requires way too much energy on my part.

jen said...

I'm kind of sad that my laziness and love for sugar pretty much ruined my chances of ever looking good while pregnant.

Swistle said...

You know, her husband probably calls her Fatty. And says things like "Are you sure you should be eating that?"