Saturday, February 03, 2007

I'll Try To Be Nicer If You Try To Be Smarter...

Okay.... I know I'm sort of a spelling Nazi and that most people are not (why should anyone be, really, when spell check exists? Spelling is an obsolete skill.) But I ask you: Is "welcome" a really tricky word? Is it not fairly common, an everyday word, even? Is it too much to expect someone who letters cakes for a living to, say, pause and think before they begin? What I'm getting at is, am I unreasonable and intolerant to be irritated when I order a cake and it is presented reading "Weclome Elliot"?
Ah well. What are you going to do? They scraped the two switched letters off and redid them, and it doesn't really look all that terrible. Probably no one will even notice. But geez. Twenty-five dollars for a cake and they do a slap job. Come on!


Swistle said...

Ha ha ha ha! That is crazy. I used to work in a bakery, and the woman who decorated cakes was such a terrible speller--but at least she KNEW she was, so she'd spell things out on a piece of paper first and have someone else check it before she iced it onto the cake.

Mommy Daisy said...

That is awful. It is a huge pet peeve of mine too. It actually annoys me how horrible people write now. It shows a lack of intelligence in my opinion. I'm not saying that I don't mess up now and then (we all do), but it's just tacky sometimes. At least they were able to "fix" the problem. I hope that the shower was a big hit (and the cake was yummy).