Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spic and Span

So I'm beginning to wonder what on earth we were thinking, trying to orchestrate a move during the holidays with a toddler and an infant. Today was the realtor walk through, which I guess is like an open house for all the area realtors or something. I wasn't aware such a thing existed until I got a call around four yesterday asking if I could be ready for this by tomorrow morning at nine. So last night after Addy was in bed I bustled around trying to hide all the evidence that we actually lived in the house (dishes, trash, toys, newspapers) and then this morning, let Addy sleep in as long as possible while I finished making everything spotless. When I was ready to go and Eli was buckled in his carseat, I got Addy up, threw a coat and shoes on her drowsy, pajama-clad body, and hustled her right out the door to Grandma's house before she could even ask about dragging out her dollhouse or spilling Cheerios all over the floor.
Now we're over here at my mom's, where I can relax, make coffee, and let Addy get out toys and eat breakfast without fear of destroying the delicate, preternatural tidiness of my own home. But I know that all too soon I must return, where I will resent every dust particle and dirty towel that falls to the floor. I will cringe about every splatter and spill from Thanksgiving baking, because I know that it must ALL be cleaned up again before Sunday, when we will be heading out of town while the realtor does an open house. And then I can't even relax when we get back Sunday evening- no, everything must STAY spotless, because they're doing a video tour of the house on Monday morning!
I just keep chanting this mantra in my head: "Dining room. More bathrooms. Basement. It's all worth it, it's all worth it!"


bananafana said...

I was just thinking this morning that it might be fun to start looking at houses again so THANK YOU for talking me out of it. I think I'd rather tear our house down than try to sell it. But it will all be worth it!!! Good luck!

Chelle said...

It does suck but it is worth it in the long run. If you are given enough notice prior to a showing, be sure to bake cookies. When we were trying to sell our last house, I swear it was the scent of the chocolate chippers that sealed the deal.

Well, that or the statue of Saint Jospeh that we burried in the back yard. Either way!

d e v a n said...

Yeah, it sucks. I'm living it too, and it sucks. I might have a different tune if we had actually sold our house yet, but alas...

Mommy Daisy said...

Yikes, that would stress me out too. We've never sold a house before, and I'm not looking forward to it. It will probably be a few years yet, until we're ready to build or look elsewhere. So, I'll relax until then. And I will be praying your house sells soon...very soon!

Marie Green said...


Anonymous said...

We stated that we must have a 2-hour notice before any showing, but it doesn't always happen. & those 2 hours fly by when you're busy trying to clean up and simultaneously prevent any further damage. Plainly, it sucks. Sorry. I hope it goes quickly for you. We're almost at Month Three and it seems neverending at this point.

Anonymous said...

Man, do I remember how much that sucked. I feel your pain!! Let us know if you need help watching Fonz. The dog situation is always hard when you're showing your house.

Jess said...

This is why we don't clean very much. Trying to KEEP the house clean is much more stressful than just living in a mess. For real, I only ever get mad at Torsten when the house is clean and then he leaves his dish somewhere he shouldn't.