Monday, December 17, 2007

One Of Those Days

I felt like the worst mommy ever today. Most Likely To Permanently Screw Up Her Children. First, Eli finally learned how to roll over- and promptly fell off the couch, missing the oak coffee table by inches, but still managing to bump his head on the floor and completely freak his little self out. Also to completely freak ME out. Because here's the bad mommy part:I wasn't even there. I heard the thump from the kitchen and ran to the living room in time to see his face scrunch up in horror and his mouth open in a scream.
He's generally fine if we lay him on the couch, positioned so he won't just roll off the edge, of course, and so I often put him down there while I fold laundry or play with Addy (or blog, or totally space out...) But I must have been puttering around, tidying things up, and gone to return some dirty dish to the kitchen when it happened. I felt SO AWFUl. He was fine; no red marks or bumps on his head or noticeable weirdness of any kind. But, to use a line from a few days ago when I was judging other people for their stupidity, WHO DOES THAT?! Who leaves a baby old enough to be learning to roll over alone on a couch?
Then, while I was comforting him, Addy ran off on her own, and returned with some mysterious red mark on her forehead! Now, she's very fair and gets blotchy anytime she bumps into anything, but what the heck! My children are clearly not safe in my care; they're just falling all over the place. I need a rubber room.
Fast forward to naptime. Cue the screaming and forty-five minute circus. Again, I feel like the stupidest mother alive. See, almost the day after I posted about Addy's fit-throwing over naps and bedtime, she quit throwing the fits and finally got used to the no-bottle policy. But then- THEN- I went and screwed it all up the other day. She was overly tired and crying even as I was getting her ready for bed, so I tried to comfort her by getting in bed with her, reading extra stories, letting her up for snacks and drink, etc. (You: Smacking head. "Oh no you DIH-UHNT!") Yes, I did. I am a moron. And now she's throwing fits again. She is in fact throwing a fit from behind her baby gate even as I type (it's eleven thirty at night.) I already dealt with this today, and am still recovering. I can't go up to bat again. But I have no choice, because Jim got called back to work at seven thirty and I am here alone. Alone with the special lasagna I made for dinner that he DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO EAT.
If there weren't brownies in this house, I might have snapped awhile ago.


Mommy Daisy said...

Oh you need a hug...or at least a reasurring pat on the back. We ALL have days like this. Just read my blog, you'll find a few. Ha. Here's hoping tomorrow is better! And the kids...they'll be just fine. Give yourself a break.

Swistle said...

Oh, I know these days.

d e v a n said...

You poor thing. I think we've all had days (or weeks) like this.
I remember getting d used to NO MILK at bedtime. What a nightmare! Then, one night when we were almost there I gave in because I was too frigging exhausted to fight with him and well, you know the rest of the story...
Anyway, lesson learned. The little stinkers will take a mile if you give an inch! They're so sneaky! lol
BTW - you definitely deserve brownies!

Jess said...

Oh man. Thank goodness for brownies. At least now you know what not to do next time. And hey, at least Eli can roll over! A new milestone!

Tess said...

AD slept in her swing for the first 6 months of her life, and one night I woke up to her crying and when I got up and went over to the swing she had FALLEN RIGHT OUT. Because I hadn't strapped her in all the way. NICE.

I think the special lasagna is making me the most sad.

Anonymous said...

Be assured that we have ALL had that kind of day. I think you get more relaxed with the second child and forget. When my second son was weeks old, he rolled off me onto the floor! It was awful! It also sucks to be sole parent without backup. I hate it when my hubby isn't around to help. Give yourself a break. Eat another brownie! Chocolate is the cure-all!!

justme said...

ok that post was sooo what i was going through about 4 to 6 months ago....oh the pure hell. naps were my problem. plus new baby was was all a blur of screaming, both them and me. i am over a hump, oldest won't nap so we just gave up (she is 3 so it is not unheard of). youngest i moved to one nap at about 9 months and that saved me (that and peanut butter and chocolate). it will get better !!! and enjoy the brownies !!

Anonymous said...

If I had a nickel for every time I was out of sight when my daughter hurt herself, I'd never have to worry about going back to work again.

Don't ream yourself, you sound like a great mommy.