This is an abundance of riches, here. Help me! I originally chose three poses, stoically and with resolve not to be suckered into unplanned purchases, but now that I can view the whole lot of them online, I am going CRAZY, thinking that surely I need ALL of these. Consider them numbered one through seven, and tell me which YOU would want, if it were you. Also feel sorry for the little handsome: he is running a hundred and three degree fever tonight.
[Edit: Had dream last night that I was hanging out at Swistle's house. Mysteriously, Slynnro was also there, inexplicably speaking in the Texas drawl which she does not in real life posess. Best of all, Swistle revealed to me her kids' REAL NAMES!]

Oh my goodness! Don't ask me! I love them all! What a cutie! I'm a bit partial to the first two baseball ones though. Those are just too adorable! Good Luck!
2, 4 & 7. LOVE THEM!
Also, sorry he's sick. :(
The best ones are 1, 4, and 7.
Gosh -- buying pictures is a hard task! You want all of them but then you can't really BUY all of them! My personal favs are 1, 4 and 7! Hope that helps! BTW - your car seat cover will be done and in the mail this week... I've gotten a bit behind... :-)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE number 7!
Oh my dear! First off, your child is ADORABLE! Second, I like 1,4 and 5 best.
So cute! I'd pick 1, 5, & 7.
He is adorable! I'd probably go with 1, 4 and 7. My favorite is #1. What a tough choice!
Wow, he took some awesome pictures. Makes me sad, because I haven't had Zachariah in for photos since his one year. I need to run to the photo studio now.
My picks are 1,6,7. I really like #4, but then all the pics would be close up shots, so I picked 6 instead. He is so cute, I'd probably just buy a small one of each. ;)
You can't go wrong with any of those. What a cutie. My favourites are 1, 6 & 7.
These turned out great - what a handsome guy! But I think that the best ones are 1,4 and 7.
Hope he feels better soon!
I love them ALL! Number 1 is my favorite though. That boy is so beautiful it makes my heart ache a little just to look at him. He's going to go far in life with that smile. How can you not eat him?
1 or 7 for sure. You have got to have a close-up of those big beautiful eyes.
1, 5, and 7. he sure is cute!
I now feel doubly bad that I haven't taken my second born at all. Granted, she's only 3 months old, but I believe by this time, I'd taken the first at least... oh, 6 times?
Now, now I have a toddler. Things change, don't they?
I liked one, two and five, but I'm in the minority. This might just be making things worse.
Gah! Having to pick is too hard.
I'd have to go for 1 or 7 for the close up of those beautiful eyes.
What a handsome man! I would go with #1. The others are good, too, but his eyes in that closeup are just DARLING.
The first and last are my favorites. I would probably frame that last one myself, but the first is more traditional to hand out to family.
And you should seriously look into baby modeling. Seriously. He is a heartbreaker.
You totally need at least one of each. What a doll!
Love them all. But, I'd HAVE TO HAVE 1, 2, 5, 7.
CUTE! 1, 2 and 7 :)
1, 3, 4, 5, 7 - Just to add to the helpful chaos.
PS. Very cute.
1 and 6.
I scrolled through and saw the first one and thought: that one, no contest. And then kept scrolling and was like "why doesn't she just get one of each?" Ah, no help here.
So cute! Of course I am partial to the baseball ones, but I liked 1, 4 and 7 the best. (I like baby close-ups.)
They are all terrific, but the last one really grabbed me. Really shows off his eyes.
I like 7. But really they are just all so cute.
Oh, yeah...I totally would have had to buy about 4 copies of each one if he were mine. =) I love the one with the crooked baseball hat!
I like 1, 4, and 7. I love them!
they are all so cute!
What a cutie patootie!!!
What a cutie patootie!!! Hard to choose a favorite.
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