Friday, July 09, 2010

Fever Pitch

So I think I already mentioned how much my kids currently love anything Spider Man related. I know, I know- they're kinda young and those movies are kind of scary and adult and HEY, IT WASN'T MY IDEA. They seem completely undisturbed by any scariness, however, and are instead fascinated with the idea of "good guys" and "bad guys." I still feel hesitant even about introducing that concept, vague as I sometimes find the lines between good and bad to be. It's like this quote from "The Guleg Archipelago" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn (which I copied down with great earnestness at age seventeen, but still find to be just as piercing as I did then): "If there were only evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were only necessary to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"

BUT I digress... We were watching Spider Man 2 tonight over pizza, in a great festival of relief at having brought Addy's temperature down from its terrifying peak of 105.2. Seriously, I had called the hospital's hotline only to hear sobering words like "seizure," and I was THISCLOSE to snatching her to my chest and running her to the ER on my own two feet if she didn't cool off within five minutes. But she did, thank God, and so the only place to which I hurried off was CVS, to get Motrin and Tylenol and Pedialyte and a giant bag of candy (in lieu of a giant bottle of WINE obviously.)

When I got home there was pizza and suddenly normal looking, alert-eyed children asking for Spider Man show!!! and adults sagging with exhaustion and relief, so, obviously we just ate the pizza and watched the Spider Man. And I got to thinking how much I love the music in those movies- it's seriously about half the appeal of them, for me. I wandered out to the computer to look up some of the music videos on YouTube (I actually already own the soundtrack) and the kids of course followed, each of them wanting to see the video that corresponded to their favorite song from the soundtrack. So here they are, Addy's, Eli's, and my favorite songs: can you guess whose is whose?


Hillary said...

105.2?! Scary stuff. Glad she cooled down.

Also, that quote is brilliant. The Boy is obsessed with bad guys lately and that perfectly sums up why I get so squirmy when he starts talking about bad guys.

Jessica said...

Dashboard Confessional used to be one of my favorite bands in the pre-Adam days. Listening to that song brought me way back!!!

I sort of stopped listening to "my" music once we started living together, because Adam just made fun of it.

Jessica said...

I just listened to all of the first song and it has a totally different meaning than it had six years ago for me. Thanks for posting it.

Jess said...

105.2 oh MY! So glad you didn't have to spend the night in the ER!

Pickles and Dimes said...

You like the first song, Addy the 2nd and Eli the 3rd?

Katy said...

Lord is that scary! I'm hard to ruffle with medical-type stuff, but that would have scared me.

Funny about the "good guy" "bad guy" thing. I've known a LOT of soldiers and they are actually trained to think "bad guy" because they need to see them like that so it's easier to kill them. Delightful, no?

d e v a n said...

Thank goodness the fever came down!