Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Maid Is Really Slacking

I have been sick since last Monday. The cold has stayed steady, but now my head is starting to hurt again, too. Is it possible to reinfect yourself immediately after getting over a sinus infection? Or maybe the pregnancy-approved antibiotics are wimpy and didn't do the job well enough?

Either way, man is my nose raw. And about ten trees have been sacrificed on the altar of this cold. Our house is constantly dusty from the tissues being yanked out of their box approximately every five minutes. Yesterday Eli and Addy were dancing around in the cloud of dust motes floating in the sunlight. "It's fairies!" I told them. "It's the end of my six year stint as a thorough and dedicated housekeeper," I thought.

Because, boy do I just not care anymore. Fighting the sick and the nausea and keeping the kids reasonably well cared for and showering myself on a regular basis is about all I have energy for lately. Cleaning on my part has only been happening when the sight of the dirt is enough to make me feel even sicker, like last night, when I was brushing my teeth and started gagging uncontrollably because the counter was just so nasty with dust and lint and toothpaste globs. After the retching passed I stood there weakly with a washcloth, scrubbing and wiping for about ten minutes. How has it come to this- the sink has to look gross enough to send me heaving before I wipe it off? It seems some of this is preventable. But I'm just so TIRED from being so dang SICK. I'd rather escape the house altogether (especially lately, when it's been sunny and in the fifties and downright spring like) than force myself up to mop and scrub.

Not to sound too whiny, though- Jim's still doing the lion's share of dishes and laundry, and my mom continues to drop by on lunch breaks here and there to vacuum, wipe out the microwave, pat my head pityingly, etc. The dog continues to be no help whatsoever, by standing over me, shaking vigorously, as I try to dust buster up tumbleweeds of dog hair in the kitchen. Just for example.

I officially have pregnant face, btw. I thought maybe I was imagining it, so I mentioned it to Jim last night and asked, "Have YOU noticed?" "Yeah, I kinda did the other day," he replied nonchalantly, wiping off bowls. Well. Darn it. I was really hoping one of these times I would magically still have a jawline while gestating, but I guess it's not to be. Well, at least I have my health. OH WAIT HA HA HA.


Hillary said...

Glad you're cutting yourself some slack, though I'm glad you had those six years of dedicated cleaning I can benefit from. I LOVE those cleaning cloths you sent.

Fran said...

My third pregnancy was definitely the worst. And I never reallyhave gotten into cleaning that well. The best thing is when your kids are old enough to do some of it themselves. You may be surprised if you give Addy a washcloth and have her wipe something down. (She already has shown highly marketable baby-naming skills!!) Sometimes, mine even seem to ENJOY it!! I have nearly perfected the (
ahem) "art" of directing the boys around a room to tidy it up for me. I hope you feel better soon...and yeah, the meds you are on probably just didn't have enough oomph. Do you have a Neti pot?

bananafana said...

I'm tired and not cleaning and I'm not even pregnant so I think you're doing great!!!! I hope you feel lots better very soon though

Nowheymama said...

I hear ya. :)

d e v a n said...

Yah, don't even worry about the house. I know it's frustrating but the first trimester is just so hard anyway...

Michelle said...

At 26w I finally broke down and called a cleaning person to come in twice a month. You might try one until the end of your first trimester when you should start feeling better. Just to cut yourself some slack and not retch. I've found individuals are a LOT less expensive than a service.

Swistle said...

Oh, this is SO funny!