Monday, March 08, 2010

Half The Time It Might As Well Be A Sugar Pill

Okay, I really wanted to try to post about something other than pregnancy today! I did! But the first thing I thought of to say was: even though I usually hate jello, Jim insisted on making me some and it is in fact tasting sort of comforting to the tummmy. But still. Jiggly food. Oh and also: peppermint tea, especially ICED peppermint tea, has been a lifesaver lately. I highly recommend. Especially, say, if you happen to be feeling kind of sick anyways and then you're sitting in the backseat of your van during a carpooling situation and THEN you get horrible hiccups that start making you want to gag each time... Some tea after that might be helpful. I've been keeping a big iced pitcher of it and guzzling it down all day, actually.

So yeah. The Zofran is helping, I think, as I'm spending a lot less time actually running off to the bathroom to try to throw up. But I can't say I'm feeling quite as magically cured as I did a few days ago, especially since now I have some kind of sore throat/cough thing and every time I've had a big coughing fit today I end up retching and dry heaving. Swistle, I seem to remember your having a terrible first trimester cough/barfing issue during your last pregnancy, yes?

I was filling out my paperwork for my Official First Prenatal Visit this Wednesday (even though it will actually be the fourth time I've been in- and, why do I even have to have an Obstetrical Education appointment? I've been pregnant once or twice before!) and got to the part about birth preferences. There is a big part of me that really, REALLY wants to try a water birth. I know I want to go without an epidural or drugs again if everything falls into place without induction or whatever, but I'm all for any ways to naturally reduce pain. And also reduce the chance of- well, there's no delicate way to say this, so, TEARING, ok? Would like to avoid that. And I've heard great things about water birth in terms of eliminating or reducing both of those above things, and I'm finally seeing a doctor who's willing to DO a water birth, so it seems like the obvious choice.

But. I can't seem to get past the ick factor. I mean, you're in there... with everything. Bodily fluids aplenty. It's not like you can push the baby out and then jump up immediately and hop on the bed before anything else BESIDES the baby comes out, you know? Yet it sounds so appealing and relaxing, the whole water thing. Do you think I could tell them I want a water birth all the way until the actual birth part? Like, "Keep that tub warm and filled throughout labor, but then as soon as I'm ready to push, drag me out and throw me up on the bed, m'kay?"


pseudostoops said...

I don't know if this is true (no children! passing along secondhand info!) but I believe one of my friends told me that you can, in fact, labor in water and deliver on dry land, if you will. Worth asking about, for sure, if the fluids situation squicks you out.

bananafana said...

I think you can do whatever you want! hey you're the one in labor. I always thought it sounded so relaxing to labor in water and really wanted to but my water broke with both kids and then couldn't (boo!). Seriously though - our hospital had tubs that you could basically use however you like - laboring, birthing, whatever makes you happy - and I would think you could get out or not whenever you want. Ah! This is so exciting talking about a BABY being born! YEAH!!!

Shelly said...

Eww, I hadn't even thought about that. I can totally see your point, though. I'm with pseudostoops, you should be able to do whatever you want, you ARE the one in labor.

d e v a n said...

I think you could totally labor in the tub and do the last of the pushing and delivery out of the water. I wouldn't wait TOO long though because the nurse and dh could barely get me back up into the bed from the birthing ball when I said "IT'STIMERIGHTNOWOMG!"

d e v a n said...

Also, maybe you wouldn't care so much when you're actually delivering? IDK... it does have an ick factor.

Jess said...

The hospital where my midwifery practice is has birthing tubs in all the rooms. So, I'm thinking that someday when I'm there, I can just sort of do what feels right, you know? If I want to get in the tub I will, if not, I won't. Hopefully you can be in a situation where you have options like that too.

Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

I labored in a birth tub...the midwife had a fishnet and would occasionally scoop things out. :-)

Hillary said...

I'm with you about the ick factor BUT I think it might be one of those things labor and deliver things -- like accidentally pooing -- that seems like SUCH A BIG DEAL beforehand, only to not matter at all during. If you have a willing doctor, I'd go for it.

Marie Green said...

I think using the tub for labor is a fantastic idea, especially if you don't want drugs. You actually CAN decided to get out fro the delivery, and you can plan for that. If you end up unwilling to move when it comes time to push (some women are!) than, so, waterbirth.

I think it's possible that it *sounds* more ick than it actually is... perhaps because the water vs. bodily fluid situation makes everything very diluted?

artemisia said...

I have always thought that if I were to have a baby, I would want to try a water birth. I think you should talk to your doctor and see if you can't talk to someone who has had a water birth and see what they think.

How exciting!

Swistle said...

Ack, yes, I always get colds the first trimester which then turn into LINGERING COUGHS, and then I barf whenever I cough, and barfing irritates the throat for further coughing, and it's a bad scene all around.

I think the imagery of a midwife with a fishnet is SO FUNNY. I think what you need is a Handsome Pool Boy to pace the perimeter.

I'll bet that because there's so much water, it ends up being kind of pleasant to stay in even afterward, because it's like an instant bath! And then you could go take a real shower.

CAQuincy said...

My hospitals didn't allow water births--but we could sit in the jacuzzi/tub up until the pushing part. I also vote with those folks who say that it's *probably* not as much of an ick factor when you're actually going through it. It'll get diluted--and it'll all wash off, right?

Mommy Daisy said...

I'm totally intrigued by a water birth for the next time too. I think I would seriously consider it. I don't get grossed out by it though. The problem for me would be going to the other hospital. I had a good experience at the one we usually go to, so I worry a little about switching. It probably wouldn't be a big deal though. I mean, I'd have my own doctor there and it wouldn't matter otherwise.

Jules said...

Wait a minute...... There's the morning sickness, the loose bladder, the cankles and the pains... and now there's #2 when you give birth????

Are there no indignities left untouched once you find out your pregnant?

I had to have c-sections, but the idea of a water birth, and taking the weight off your body during labor - I would have opted for that versus trying to find the most comfortable of uncomfortable positions in a sterile delivery room.

Anonymous said...

water, lamaze, c-section.... just have a healthy baby

Nowheymama said...

Our hospital is the same as CAQuincy's. I really wanted to try the tub, but they don't allow that when you're hooked up to the frickin' Pitocin IV.