Thursday, January 07, 2010


Adelay goes to a dance class on Wednesday nights at five thirty. This normally wouldn't interfere too much with dinner, since we usually eat kind of late for families with small kids- probably between six and seven most nights. But Wednesdays are kind of rough, because the kids also like going to our church's kids' activities that night, which start at six thirty. I also have a women's group I like to make it to on Wednesdays, which starts as soon as we get our kids situated in their respective classes at church.(Using "group" pretty loosely here, btw- usually it's three or four people eating chocolate and discussing recently read books, sweet/annoying things our kids have done, rehashing birth/pregnancy woes, etc. But occasionally there's serious talk, or an actual study we go through, so I still think it counts as a church group!) So for about an hour or so, Wednesday nights always feel a little rushed and frantic.

Last night was particularly rough, as I had decided to try a new recipe for dinner that I THOUGHT would make the routine simpler, but in fact took about twice as long as I thought it would to prepare. I was frazzled, rushing Adelay to please eat her dinner, get out of her leotard and tights and into her jeans, and out the door in time to make it to her class at a still acceptable although definitely late time. As I hustled her slowpoke self into the car, I clapped my hands together in exasperation and said, "Addy! Let's move it- chop chop!"

She turned around with deep annoyance on her face and exclaimed, "Mom! You are always chop chopping me! Stop chopping me!"

Sigh. Maybe I need to make another New Year's Resolution: erase "chop chop" from my vocabulary.


Tess said...

I feel a lot of guilt, too, about always rushing, but I don't see how it can be avoided. Sometimes you just HAVE TO be somewhere at a certain time. I try to think of it as teaching her that the world does not move on her timetable.

But, mostly I just feel bad. Slash irritated. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

My dad used to do this thing where he'd swing his arm around in a big circle to rush us out the door. We now make fun of him for it now that we're adults. Maybe when she grows up she'll be all "can you believe you said 'chop chop' to me?" and you'll all laugh

Mary O said...

I think I'll make a New Year's Resolution to ADD "chop-chop" to our family vernacular. I think it's better than yelling "WE ARE IN A BIG HURRY!!!" which is what I usually do.

d e v a n said...

lol - too cute that she said that. I have a similar problem with always rushing the kids (particularly child2) to do things.

Katy said...

In the military they call it "sense of urgency." My husband made it through five years so I know he can do it--wouldn't know it to see him now! Charlie's portable. Maybe I should start "chop chopping" my husband?

Nowheymama said...

I think that's better than "WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" which is what I'm always yelling.

LoriD said...

Oh, I'm THAT mom and so much worse. My kids are constantly on a timer. They need to be up by this time and dressed by that time. When the timer goes, they need to get their snowpants and boots on. When the next timer goes, they need to get the rest of their outdoor gear on (I'm out of the house by this point and Homer's in charge). It's the same if there are after-school activities. No wonder they're always asking when the next "day off" is. Send Addie to our house for a day and she'll appreciate the relative calm of the "chop chop!"

Mommy Daisy said...

I don't say "chop chop" but I'm always rushing Zachariah out the door. He's so poky. I'm sure I use other "mom"isms, but he's yet to point them out. The day is coming, I know.

clueless but hopeful mama said...

Hahaha! Like the others, I'm guilty of the same thing, only with different words. I'm always saying "let's go, let's go, LET'S GO!" like a broken record.

The other day, Z said "I heard you!". 3 going on 15!

ellipses said...

Chop-chop will always remain in my vocab, it's hilarious to hear my 2 year old say back to me "I'm chop-choppin'"

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Haha, that cracked me up. Mine is usually, "IS there SOMETHING wrong with your LEGS?!"

or "Let's get GOING already!"

Yeah, can't you hear the patience oozing from my pores? Or not.