The Disney Princess potty, bought in the hopes that perhaps it was a simple aesthetics preference keeping Addy from using our other potty chair, was quickly converted into an amusement park for those swingin' Fisher Price Little People.
Here we have a close up of a few of these stout, long suffering toys. This woman in the headset here appears to be warning the others back from the edges, as though from a volcano. She shouldn't have worried. Nothing more fearsome than dust has been deposited into this particular bowl.
Is it just me, or does the fellow on the right appear to have designs on the wholesome looking chic beside him?
I've bought several different fun potties in the hopes that one would catch my 3yo's fancy and he would love to use it... but so far it just has not worked.
Good luck to you and Addy!
I think that isn't just a roll of lifesavers in his pocket...
Ha ha ha, so it's not going so hot. Here either, and I've tried believe me I've tried. Some day! Let's hope sooner than later.
LOL. That's cuz the mother is just so HOT!
haha! This is just too funny. Good luck on using the potty for more than a toy. ;)
Ha Ha, did you ever get the picture I sent from my phone of her on the potty looking very angry at me? Priceless. I still can't get her voice out of my head "I don't waaaannnnaaa go poo in the potty!!!!"
Keep your chin up, my son didn't potty train until 4.5, my daughter, almost 4. If she's trained before she starts school -- you have it made!
I am SO GLAD to read this because it is the exact same scenario in our house with my 3yo. The potty is totally a hot tub for the Little People, and the boy will not acknowledge the potty at all. NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER.
LOL...That is SOOO my daughter!! Potty seats didn't work for my daughter either. We just went cold turkey when summer hit. By then, I think we were both ready. Good luck!
LOL!!!! And I think Barry White over there definitely can't get enough of her love, baby.
Awesome. This made me laugh out loud.
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