The Bad News: See above.
The Good News: I am on my second bowl of egg noodles over mashed potatoes, covered in butter, and it is helping tremendously after a day of searching fruitlessly for something ok to eat. (Isn't the food search so awful when you're already feeling nauseous? You're hungry and know that eating will help the queasiness at least marginally, but then every time you open the fridge or freezer the sight of at least two or three objects in there is bound to make your retch.)
The Bad News: I don't think this is going to be one of those first trimesters in which I lose weight (see above re: carb fest.)
I have an ultrasound scheduled the day before Thanksgiving, when I will be eight weeks according to the usual period math, or approx. six weeks according to that crazy ultrasound I had, which I think is more reliable. But we'll just see what size baby shows up, hope it has a heartbeat, and go from there. Honestly, I think I'm rooting for just six weeks along. An extra two weeks to prepare is an extra two weeks, you know? Though, that would also knock two weeks off the estimated Amount of Time I Will Probably Feel Crappy 24/7. So hmm. Now I don't know which I would prefer.
Oh, here's a little morning sickness PSA after having done this... what, seven times now?
-Try to stay hydrated, but not primarily via plain water. Water often makes me sick. I try to do tea, hot or iced, apple juice, Vitamin Water, lots of oatmeal (instant with hot water,) hot chocolate, etc. but only do sips of water here and there to supplement.
-Pizza is almost always safe. If nothing else is working, try it. Eating it cold is sometimes surprisingly helpful.
-Scrambled eggs are often very comforting, but don't make them yourself! The smell of cooking eggs = obvious gag factor. Wait until someone can make them for you while you sit in another room.
And now, in honor of this boring food/preggo post, I will continue with the home tour and post pictures of our kitchen. Please note that these were taken a few weeks ago, well before the craziness of discovering I was pregnant/being in Michigan for three days/being at the hospital for two days with only one hour of sleep/having a major cold that I cannot medicate this entire week. Our house is possibly the most chaotic it's ever been right now, and I just don't care.
I think I have reached the point in domesticity at which I've realized that neither cleanliness nor clutter is a final destination. Homes are cyclic and I have gotten over exulting/panicking that the house is going to stay the way it currently is, whether it's currently spotless or currently a madhouse.
Anyhoo, side rant of zen realization there. On to the pictures- terrible as usual due to dinosaur camera, which I cannot justify replacing since I am in no way a photographer and am limited to point and shoot capabilities anyways.
If you click a few times to enlarge, you can see on the fridge the photo booth pictures of Jim and I from my friend Renee's wedding. Seriously, best reception idea EVER. It was so fun, and then a few weeks later, there was the added fun of receiving an email link to every single picture taken that night.
View of kitchen from sunken den.
(A side note about this kitchen: It is... very colorful, at least for a small room. Perhaps a little more so than suits my general preference, which showed up more in the initial decor of the kitchen: basically just blue on white with tiny touches of yellow and green. I added the more colorful elements in with the blue about six months (?) ago in an attempt to help the kitchen blend a little more seamlessly with the den without having to repaint one or both rooms. The curtain fabric was purchased online, and more or less picks up both the blue of the kitchen and the wheat/berry colors of the den, as well as a dash of brown, black, and olive-y green.
I used this same fabric to recover several pillows in the den, so the two rooms have a common element. Then I removed all the white pottery that used to sit on top of the cupboards and replaced it with inexpensive odds and ends that tied in those brighter colors. It was more or less a success, and while I am pleased with it and certainly don't DISLIKE it, eventually I dream of painting both these rooms softer colors, replacing the kitchen laminate and the den carpet with the same wood, and just lightening everything up a bit. You know, in my next life, when I have all the time and money and energy in the world.)
good luck on the u/s! can't wait to hear about it!
Gah I love your house. I think the colors all work well together. And seeing your banana/bread holder makes me realize this is exactly what my kitchen counter is missing.
I have a tip for morning sickness! The first 3 months I literally could not move without wanting to vomit. It was the absolute worst I have ever felt in my life, by far. I quickly learned that keeping a strawberry blowpop in my mouth, AT ALL TIMES, curbed the sick feeling for me. I'm not sure why other than it kept me from constantly feeling hungry. Although I did go t the dentist religiously those months as I was worried about tooth decay from the constant sucker. But all was well.
Can't wait to hear about the ultrasound! Also "But we'll just see what size baby shows up, hope it has a heartbeat, and go from there." is my favorite line of this post.
My husband REALLY needs to buy me a new computer as sneaking in quick five minute sessions on his is NOT giving me enough time to read my blogs--and then I miss something as big as THIS!!! Well! Good luck on the ultrasound, and I hope, I hope, I hope the morning sickness is a good sign!
Good luck at your doctors appointment!
~ Taryn.
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