Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Secret To Weight Loss

Be rich. Or so I gathered from today's Oprah, which featured an inside peek at the life of, among others, Cindy Crawford and her husband. They were revealing their "must-haves" and guilty pleasures. Cindy's was- prepare yourself for the sheer decadence- a spoonful of white sugar in her morning tea. That was her caloric indulgence, I should say. Because her other indulgences were of the outrageous spending variety: expensive designer handbags, her own label of skincare products, and diamond-studded dog tags with her children's pictures embedded in them. Her husband's guilty pleasures were even better: a whole garage full of Harleys, a giant bar completely stocked with expensive liquors. And let's not forget the Malibu mansion right on the beach.
Now, both of these individuals work hard in their respective careers and have been very successful, so I do not begrudge them these things. But I'm just sayin'. If I could go out and buy five hundred dollar sparkly shoes to comfort myself when I was feeling down, I could probably resist that bowl of leftover Halloween candy.


jen said...

What are you kidding? I wouldn't buy sparkly trinkets, man, I'd be buying truckloads of fun size candy! That's what would get me in trouble right there. :)

Mommy Daisy said...

Ha, I've always thought that too. And if I was rich, I could afford all the cool gym equipement, personal trainers, nutritionist, and other people to help make me skinny.

Anonymous said...

Nah, I'd probably just wear the shoes while eating the candy!!

Jess said...

Yeah, when your biggest caloric indulgence is a spoonful of sugar, you need to distract yourself with shiny, expensive things. For sure.

d e v a n said...

Hahaha! Oh, to be rich.
(a WHOLE SPOONFUL of white sugar. Gawd, she's a pig *insert eye roll*)

Marie Green said...

So true! Retail therapy would SO replace chocolate therapy!

Anonymous said...

I would pay someone to resist it for me.

Anonymous said...

You're SO right about this. I've often thought, jeez, if I just had the money to buy myself a new wardrobe, I wouldn't stuff my face full of cake every time something goes horribly wrong. Ugh.

RachelAnn said...

Just so you know....you have given birth to two children and STILL have a smaller waist than me. I hate you. BTW I finally posted something on my blog!!!! For anyone who reads my blog as well, I apologize for how long it's been since I've written but things have been crazy. I need some advice so please read and comment!!!!! You might even get a good laugh out of it!