Ah, four. Four is... not a toddler. (Though you might not know if it to witness one of the tantrums he still occasionally throws.) It's a preschooler. So, I have a kindergartner and a preschooler and a baby. OH WAIT HOLD THE PHONE. Jameson will be one in a month. Which is... a toddler? Is that RIGHT? What is going ON?! I'm just about fresh out of babies again?! This feeling, this one right here, is why I can understand how it happens that a person could run out of space and money for kids long before they run out of interest in having another baby.
2. Addy starts school next Tuesday. Real school. And I will be outnumbered by boys all day. I'm so happy for her, but I'm a little scared for myself. Also, I'm pretty sure I will cry the first day. I can feel the lump in my throat already.
3. I'm getting so excited for my doula workshop, which is at the end of September (I rescheduled it from November; did I already tell you all that?) It's getting close! I'm also getting impatient for the library to track down the last three books I still need to read before I can go. I mean, it's kind of an honor system, but I am nothing if not honorable, gosh darn it, and I WILL read those books.
4. I've also got a bachelorette party in September, and a wedding shower, and four birthdays in the family. Plus soccer games twice a week, not to mention, you know, getting used to the whole SCHOOL REAL BIG KID SCHOOL thing. I'm just powering through on auto pilot, baby.
5. Also, on leftover birthday cake.