Probably never saw a woman look so downright cheerful in labor, huh? This was after being sent from the doctor's office over to the hospital, at five centimeters with a bulging water bag, but still not regularly contracting. So it was kind of party time for a while yet.
Belly parade: me, 37 wks. and 3 days; my sister Laura, 24 weeks; and Jess, 17 wks.
My water is broken now. Much less enthusiastic smile.
My mom.
First family photo shoot... Addy was not in the mood. But there's always one, right?
Our doula, Stacy.
Jim's dad.
Sadly, the mohawk has gone down now.
My sister Rachel.
Jim's sister Jenn.
She seems to have forgiven him for stealing her thunder at the birthday party.
*happy sigh*
OH! These are LOVELY! Yay, yay, YAY!!!
so precious!!
Oh, there are NEVER too many photos! I mean seriously I got to the end and I kind of... wanted MORE! Such a beautiful baby and a beautiful family!
So glad you are all home, safe and sound and celebrating birthdays!
Wait wait wait--Jessica is pregnant?!! Yay!
And also, what wonderful photos!!
He's perfect and beautiful and now I'm a teary mess. Congratulations to you all.
Beautiful pictures. I think I heard my uterus sigh a little bit.
LOL @ Jana!! Great pics tha nks for letting us all in on your family post :)(
I happy-sighed just at the very moment that I read Swistle's comment.
He's darling. I could look at more MORE MORE of him.
Great pictures! Love the last one!
Great photos! What a beautiful baby and an adorable family!
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