The story: last Friday Jim and I took off for the Palace, home of the Detroit Pistons, where Jim had scored some seriously great seats for a fraction of the normal price. AND free passes to the club room. Private bathrooms at a sporting event, ya'll! Can I get a what what? Then, during the raffle at the end of the pre-game chalk talk, Jim won court side tickets behind the basket. It was sweet. We actually felt like we had a better view of the overall game from our original seats though, so we kept switching back and forth between quarters. Sorry, people we kept stepping over! That's how the high rollers do it.

After collecting our tickets at will call, we were ushered from the packed atrium through heavy glass doors and into this plush and silent hallway through which one reaches the private suites and the club room. It would've felt a lot fancier if I were wearing perhaps my old prom dress instead of a jersey and jeans, but whatevs. Still cool. And the seats were even cooler.

As promised, here is this awesome picture of me tipsily clinging to a giant stuffed horse for balance. Er, I mean, posing with the Pistons mascot. Go team!

Wait, who IS that? Why, it looks like Renee Zellweger gained thirty pounds, dyed her hair brown and tied one on! But why is she accosting that horse?
In my (weak) defense, it was a really stressful two and a half hour drive to the Palace- we hit Friday rush hour in Toledo and Detroit. By the time we got to the game I was desperately in need of both food and a chill pill. Unfortunately the chill pill, aka cocktail, arrived before the food, and I was apparently too hungry/stressed to make wise decisions like waiting until I had eaten something. Plus, the drink was being served to me in a private lounge instead of from a scowling vendor! What's a girl to do?
Still, that horse didn't have to squirm away so quickly. Like he's never been hugged by a drunk person before, geez.
I've actually been meaning to tell you, I think you look like Matt Damon's wife. I think her name is Luciana. You're definitely better looking than Renee Zellweger. : )
It looks like an awesome time! Sorry about the drive, though. But that last photo totally makes it all worth it.
haha! Love this post!
Love that last picture. :) I had no idea you are from my old neck of the woods. :) In my entire life living in MI, I never once made it to a pistons game. I'm totally jealous.
Dude, my office went to a local baseball game and got a skybox (I think that's what it's called). Anyway, it was an air-conditioned lounge WITH SOFAS! in which to watch the game! Not only did I not mind the baseball, I could even tolerate my co-workers!
I'm dying here. LMAO
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